, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: February 2011

The Brother's Pasalubong

>> Monday, February 28, 2011

My brother arrived today from his out of town trip. And he brought home huge Durians and the two goodies above..  They were yummy, we ate them during snack time in the afternoon. 

This Buko Pie is not too sweet. Just right for warm chocolate drink on a rainy afternoon.. And I couldn't believe that it was bought somewhere in Maramag.. 

This cute cake, on the other hand, was a wedding give away. He and his co workers, with their boss, attended a co worker's wedding too.. Whatta trip.. 

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Sakae Sushi (Singapore)

>> Saturday, February 19, 2011

Do you like sushi? Here are some of the Sushi and other Japanese treats we ate at Sakae Sushi located at the Parkway Parade in Singapore. My tito loves Japanese food, and he tells us that we should be eating more Japanese food as they are less fattening...  Well, if it tastes good like that at Sakae Sushi, then it won't be a problem.. But if it would taste bad like my previous experience with Japanese food somewhere in Cebu, then never mind. 

You see that green beans? It was served raw. OMG! That part, I didn't quite take. But Grandma loved them..
Above and below? Sooo Yummy!!!
And the healthy salad too. That is actually called Sashimi Salad..
Of course, more sushi from the rotating sushi bar...

Whatta yummy experience.. My friend Theresa, the one who frequents the free online dating sites I mentioned in my previous posts love Sakae Sushi..

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Alike in So Many Ways..

My father loves to cook. His specialty is cooking pork dishes like Humba, Adobo and all others. His Mechado is to die for. But if there's one thing that my father really wants to learn to do, it's Lola Viating's Pastillas de Leche. We tried doing many different recipe variants, but still, it is not as good as how Lola Viating made hers. With this fact, it is not difficult to see that even without a paternity test, it can not be denied that I am my father's daughter. We both love to experiemnet and learn old as well as new recipes...

So far, I am asking my father to teach me all his trade secrets in making the best Humba. So far, none of us can quite get it perfectly yet.. Not yet.. But I will try...

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Thinking of Business..

Honey and I are thinking of using the house in Opol for business. We are thinking of putting up another mini grocery or store at that location. Perhaps have another Internet cafe, or a gym. My father insists on a bakery though. Between a bakery and online printing services, I would go for the latter. My father does not agree.

So we are left wondering about it. Whew.. 

On another note, we can still do online business selling pastries and cakes, of which we can create and market. Anything is possible online. That is a fact...

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All About Juice

>> Friday, February 18, 2011

My grandma Linda introduced drinking Carrot juice directly after being processed in the juicer. she says that carrot juice is the best anti-hunger juice that does not cause any stomach acidity. Which is true. We have proven it when we drank a glass each while we were grocery shopping and it was already too late for lunch. After the drink, we got a feeling of fullness that even when we arrived late at home and took a late lunch, we went through our grocery tasks with no feeling of hunger or dizziness, whatsoever.. Grandma Linda also told us that carrot juice, when used to wash the face, is also a good regimen for age spot removal.. No wonder my grandma looks like a fifty year old, when in fact, she is seventy..

 But of course, I still prefer the Sugar Cane drink above, and this Rose Juice below...

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A Happy Valentines Dinner for Kids and All..

>> Thursday, February 17, 2011

While most people went out for a Valentines treat, I decided to give the people at home a treat. My parents didn't go out as they were too tired to go out. Well, it was a Monday. A working Monday at that.. Who wouldn't get tired? Anyway, before Vday came, we talked about cooking but then it was a tiring day to cook. So I ordered the foodies hours before dinner. Nothing fancy or heavy to need the best appetite suppressant..

Ordered two Family size Italian Pizzas:

Whenever we have Pizzas, Pepperoni is never absent because it's Lili's favorite...
There was some bad experience while ordering these pizzas.. I will talk about it in another post... Moving further, we also had Barbecue... The best barbecue in Cagayan de Oro.. yumyum..

For dessert, Brazo de of  the best Brazos in CDO (Although, I must tell you, the bakeshop from where we got this is not at all good at customer service...especially that old woman who attends to customers and poorly responds to queries)
 If not for the taste of this Brazo de Mercedes, we wouldn't be ordering from the said shoppe..

Simple, hearty meal for the young and old on Valentines day... Everybody happy..

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>> Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]
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Weekend Blog Follower Caravan #7

>> Monday, February 14, 2011

Welcome to my blog!!
Please leave a comment
and I will surely follow you all back!!

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I Wanna Know

>> Sunday, February 13, 2011

I wonder if Chefs and cooks are also given training for material handling. I mean, they do purchase their ingredients, and all others necessary in cooking. So maybe such training is important.. Well, I do not know and I am interested to know. I saw some cooks in restaurants here in CDO and in Cebu, and they tell me that even cooking was not at all a study they had immersed themselves into. Some say they are born with the skill. Well, surely, even if one is born with a skill or two, there is still so much to learn. Like new techniques and discoveries in the trade. Don't you agree?

I think some are not at all open to learning new things. But I have high respect for those who humbly applaud their mentors.. 

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How would you cook an Ostrich Egg?

>> Friday, February 11, 2011

Looking at my brother's photo holding this Ostrich Egg has made me wonder how in the world such an egg can be utilized as food. This was taken during their field trip and well, I have not been able to ask that question while there.. Anyway, I read that Ostrich eggs have increased portions of polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to chicken eggs, that is why it is much desirable in our diet.
Anyway, here's a video I found in You Tube:

To cook it is similar to cooking any other egg, but since it is used, proportioning of other ingredients is advised.

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My Grandpa's Duck Recipe

I miss my aunt's Biko. But it's okay because whenever she visits us here in Cagayan de Oro City, she takes much Biko with her for us to enjoy. But there is one food that I am missing that I am no longer able to taste as my grandpa passed aways years ago. It's his recipe and I have not tasted it from any of my aunts and uncles, so nobody knows how to cook it. It's a duck recipe that is cooked with coconut milk. I don't know what it's called so I can not look for it in recipe books and sites. But from time to time, I ask around for its name. Unfortunately, not a single soul knows what it is called. ..sigh..

On the lighter note, I am actually exploring the possibilities of cooking it myself, according to how my taste buds remember the dish.. Over the weekend, we will try to get a duck, if we can ever buy one... whew.. Keeping my finggers crossed...

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His Other Side

My favorite chef is offering merchandising jobs to three of my younger friends, at his company. Well, he is not just an ordinary chef who manages his own restaurant, but is also into retail and merchandising. And because he is a busy person, he would very much like to have other hands to help. Which is good, because he will be providing jobs for more people. Aside from the three that he will be hiring, he already has twelve people on his staff who help him deliver the best merchandise in the city.

That's a lot of work really, but for a person who enjoys both sides of himself, that's purely satisfaction..

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Trisha's Foods

>> Thursday, February 10, 2011

My friend Trisha sells cakes, buns, pizzas and all other foodies online. Actually, she does not have a website of her own, and sells directly through Facebook. She bakes the best cakes and cooks the best pasta. Her pizza is to die for too. But if you ask her if she had professional cooking classes, or some certificate like the chefs and all other foodies you may know, she will tell you out right that food blogs and web magazines are what she considers as her online university. Well, she is honest about the fact that she has learned to cook from her mom, at home. No formal culinary schooling or training. Every time she sees a recipe shared online, she studies the recipe and well, cooks up a batch for taste-test, and if it passes, she adds her own magic and reinvests the recipe. When the reinvented flavor passes her critics' taste buds, she then proceeds to packaging. One of these days, I am gonna feature her food on this blog.. 

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The Egg Beater

A few years ago, I remember buying this egg beater that is powered by rechargeable aa batteries, because I was fascinated by it. I was in Manila then and life was simple for me, as I was living all by myself. When I came home, I gave it to my mom, and she told me that it was a waste of money buying the said gadget as we do not necessarily need an egg beater. She says a bowl and fork is fine, and until now, that is still how she beats eggs. 

In short, the said egg beater was kept inside the cabinet, unused, unloved. Last week, I found its box but it was not inside anymore. So I asked my mom where it went. No one in the house knows where it went--- whew...

Oh dear egg beater, I hope you found a new home, and a new owner to love you.. Sigh..

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This Food Blog's PR..

For a food blog, More Food Adventures have had a rough start this year 2011. Nevertheless, I can still say it is doing good as its PR or page rank is still existing, although it has moved a notch lower than previous. I am hoping though, that PR 3 will come back soon. So my prime attention and focus is to bring back its traffic as an increased traffic will make it better than it is now. yes, it is still a good blog which is quite successful in the areas I wanted it to excel, but still, I need to increase website traffic for this site.

Any search engine optimization company would recommend organic search engine optimization and many others, like build back links and link building, as well as pay per click bids as well as social media traffic. Well, I am happy to have visited, as I learned them all there. But that is not all. I also read that they can help any one with a website with video production, as well as search engine optimization. They are really good as I also read quite a handful of reviews. A lot of satisfied people and companies thanking them for the success of their sites. So if you need help in those areas too, why not try to see what they can do for you.. Visit their site now..

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Brain Freeze...

>> Friday, February 4, 2011

After looking into bath rugs at the Robinsons Mall, we were able to discover a not so expensive dessert called Brain Freeze.

Though I am not really liking the taste, I can see that many people lined up and ordered to taste this new treat. There were three flavors available, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.

 It will only cost you P 10.00 for a cup, plus P 3.00 if you wish to have toppers added.
It's actually a choice of 2 toppers like sprinkles, mini marshmallos, crushed cookies, nips, cereal and many others for that P 3.00 added amount.

What I do not like is that, you can actually taste the powdered milk that is added before putting on the toppers. I also do not like its effect when eaten.. I guess that is what you call "brain freeze" huh? Well, I also get that same effect, only deliciously from eating a Slurpy from seven Eleven..


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How to Make Cheese Sticks

>> Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My friend Gigi is insisting that I buy tramadol online for her, as she does not have any card to use. It was such a lengthy conversation that led to my sharing of a simple recipe of Cheese Sticks.. Well, we had lots of Keso de Bola (Cheese Ball) from the New Year yet. For the cheese to be utilized, I made it into something else, which Gigi actually liked while she was visiting some weeks ago.

 First thing to do is slice the cheese in sticks or strips...
 Separate the Lumpia Wrapper and place one in a clean and dry plate...
Place enough strips of cheese and fold.. When wrapping lumpia or any other variations, a teaspoon will do. See how they have been folded below:

 Close the last portion with some water...
 This is also the same method when wrapping Lumpia...

Now, all that is left is for these finished product to be fried in oil, and enjoyed...

Now, would I buy tramadol online for Gigi? I will think about it. To buy tramadol online would be a great decision to make. One must be sure to get the right brand, if not, they may just be wasting their money for nothing..  Anyway, I still wouldn't think that buying non-prescription drugs online is a good idea. It is still safer to buy those that are prescribed by doctors.. at least, whatever happens doctors have a say.

On second thought, maybe Gigi should have her own card to use, not just for this purpose, but for other things she may want to buy online.. I think I better teach her about getting EON from Unionbank instead.. I think that will be a better solution.. Ha.. I can't wait for her to sign up and get her own card. I think she will have a great time buying online with her EON card..


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