, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 More Food Adventures: February 2010


>> Saturday, February 20, 2010

Have you ever tried checking in at one of the many Hostels around town? Well, I haven't but a few of my friends say that Hostel Accommodation is much more liberating than that of a hotel. Why? Well, even if you don't read Hostel Reviews, you would know that one can save a lot in a hostel than a hotel, and still get money's worth translated into more things to buy or more food to taste with the saving at hand.. Of course, that is actually why hostels came about..



Would you eat a piece of cake while riding this motorcycle? Hmm. I just saw an ad in the magazine about an Electric motorcycle. That is really something new for me. Imagine, that is an Environmentally friendly vehicle there.. I wonder who will be purchasing such a unique concept..

Well, I read that it's really cool..


Research Papers About Food

I wonder how a research paper about food would come out.. I am actually looking into food sample research papers online from time to time to check on them. Unfortunately, I have not found anything that's free. I found one but it's for a fee, hmm. At least cheap research papers about food are available.. That's better than those that are really very expensive..

And speaking of expensive, I just arrived from the grocery and guess what? Everything is expensive! Actually I am no longer shocked about that fact. Prices of commodities have been increasing every time.. Ha! Enough with that. So now I can go about my daily chore. I am baking a cake today. Want some?



>> Sunday, February 14, 2010

Actually this is not how I wanted my MAIS CON YELO.. I like it simple.. Lots of sweet corn on a tall glass, with lots of cream and condensed milk, and ice..

Anyway, I still like this presentation of Mais con Yelo since it was really very warm this afternoon.. It's yummy..


Be Indestructible!

>> Friday, February 12, 2010

I always wonder if it's possible to Be Indestructible! Having to work in a kitchen always proves that we are not. Most often we experience cuts, burns and bruises even when we are only slicing and preparing our food. Hmm. Maybe it is not true to everyone, but at some point, especially when one is yet starting to venture into the kitchen adventure, these unfortunate experiences somehow shape our kitchen experience.. Hmm.. Just thinking out loud guys.. Don't mind me...



Self-healing polymeric material that is both reusable and durable is now discovered and developed in the Netherlands. They are said to replace plastic bags which are harmful for the environment. Well, if it will make our lives better then it must be good and worthy of our attention and support.

Hope we get a chance to use it here in the Philippines.. Imagine all your food and groceries be placed in teh same place while in transit from the store to your home..



>> Saturday, February 6, 2010

Guys, my mother discovered a new source for delicious Fresh Lumpia. Do you know that these huge serving of Fresh Lumpia is sold for only P 12.00 each and they are really delicious? What's more, they are clean and does not spoil easily even if they were ordered in the morning and eaten in the evening or the next day. We had 50 pieces during my sister Sweet's birthday and ate them in the evening, with left overs eaten the next day... They have remained fresh and delicious... If you want to order, leave a message here so I will tell you where. My mom's friend said she does not want her stuff advertised, even the foodies she sells. But she welcomes referrals... By the way, they come in the box that you see above so they are also great for pasalubong or as gifts... And I am sure you will save a lot of money....


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